Woodland Garden on the edge of Graz

Woodland Garden on the edge of Graz

I approached the challenge of designing an open, light-permeable woodland garden by trying to tame the wild form of the existing woodland, which was predominantly European beech (Fagus sylvatica), while aiming to maintain an authentic impression of nature through the careful selection and maintenance of the undergrowth.

This beech forest contains several very old wild service trees, also known as chequer trees (Sorbus torminalis).  The woodland garden is reached by a historic serpentine path, which leads to a welcoming gloriette.

Existing plants included cyclamen (Cyclamen), European wild ginger (Asarum europaeum), snowdrops  (Galanthus), wood anemones (Anemone nemorosa), liverwort (Hepatica nobilis), cyclamen (Cyclamen purpurascens), crane’s-bill (Geranium), wood ferns  (Dryopteris), violet leaf, perennial honesty (Lunaria rediviva) and annual honesty (Lunaria annua), dogtooth violets (Dens canis), black hellebore (Helleborus niger), Solomon’s seal, also known as David’s harp (Polygonatum multiflorum), spring pea (Lathyrus verna), coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara)  and February daphne (Daphne mezereum).

These lovely, delicate flowers were preserved and specific measures taken to encourage them to spread. They bloom in their thousands at different times over the year, producing a spectacular show of colours.


Other gardens: Schlosspark Hornegg, Lindenhaus, Mediterraner Garten, Planetengarten Eggenberg